Tsunami Preparedness Tips

Tsunami Preparedness Tips

Hawaii has experienced the devastating effects of tsunamis. It is essential that you are aware of the dangers to help keep you and your loved ones safe. Here are some tips to keep you prepared:

1. Develop a preparedness plan

View statewide maps here to determine if your home, workplace, and children’s school are in tsunami inundation zones. Plan and practice your evacuation routes. Emergency planners recommend going inland for at least two miles and getting higher than 100 feet above sea level.

2. Know the difference between a tsunami warning and watch

A tsunami warning is issued when a tsunami that may cause widespread flooding is expected or occurring. A tsunami watch means a distant earthquake has occurred and a tsunami is possible.

3. Be prepared to file a claim in the case of a disaster

Take photos or videos of important documents and personal belongings to help you quickly file an insurance claim after a tsunami. Important papers to have on hand include: insurance policies; birth and marriage certificates; wills; deeds; financial information such as account numbers and recent tax returns; driver’s licenses; and other personal identification.

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