Supporting Our Community By Driving Aloha!

When it comes to driving with Aloha, we can all do our part.
For example, the residents of the Ocean Pointe Residential Community in Ewa Beach decided to take the initiative in keeping their neighborhood safe. They organized a sign-waving event at a neighborhood traffic hot spot at the intersection of Kapolei Highway and Kaileolea Drive where there were too many close calls.
Teaming up with the Honolulu Police Department, Hawaii Bicycling League and DTRIC Insurance, the area residents last month held a Drive Aloha Friday socially-distanced traffic safety sign waving event at the intersection of Kapolei Parkway and Kaileolea Drive. Drivers were reminded to slow down, stop and look both ways before they proceed into the intersection.
The Ocean Pointe residents are now planning two more safety sign-waving events in June and October.
In 2020, there were 86 traffic fatalities in Hawaii, compared to 108 the previous year. And in the first two months of 2021, there is already 12 traffic fatalities and police observed more speeding and reckless driving despite fewer vehicles traveling on our roadways during this pandemic.
All of us in our own way can help keep our family and neighbors safe. You can become a Drive Aloha ambassador by serving as a good example to other drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and road users, and taking the Drive Aloha Pledge. By having you and your family take the pledge, you’ll be advocating for safer and friendlier roadways across our Islands. Click here to learn more!
Join the Drive Aloha effort!
Traffic Hotspot in your Community?
Safe Driver Discounts
Did you know that if you have no accidents or traffic violations, you may be eligible for a Safe Driving Discount on your auto insurance at DTRIC? And if you remain claims free, your deductible could be completely wiped out!
To learn more, visit