Back to School Safety

Summer may still be in full swing, but the start of the new school year is just a few weeks away. As our students make their way to school, we must remain mindful of their safety. To ensure the well-being of our keiki, here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Be cautious when pulling out of the driveway.
Watch for children and families when exiting your driveway and departing the neighborhood, especially in the morning when they’re on their way to school.
2. Be on the lookout for children approaching and exiting school buses.
Come to a full stop and allow children to cross safely in front of the bus. Being alert ensures the safety and well-being of children as they navigate to and from school.
3. Remind kids not to accept rides from strangers when walking home from school or to the school bus.
Remind children to never accept rides from strangers while walking home from school or waiting for the school bus. This helps children understand the significance of prioritizing safety.
4. Update contact information for parents and any other caregivers with the school.
By keeping up-to-date records and reviewing contact information for parents and additional caregivers registered with the school, you’ll ensure effective communication.
5. Monitor the news for incidents that may cause school closures.
Closely monitor the news for incidents or events that may lead to school closures. Being aware of such circumstances enables you to plan and adapt accordingly.