Back to School Safety

Back to School Safety

School’s back in session! As our keiki head back to class, it’s important to remember that back to school affects our entire community. Kids wait at bus stops near busy roads during rush hour, and school buses share the road with us all. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind.

  • Be on the lookout for children approaching and exiting school buses. Come to a full stop and allow children to cross safely in front of the bus.
  • Drive more carefully when pulling out of the driveway and leaving the neighborhood during the morning hours when children are on their way to school.
  • Ensure children have enough time to get to the bus stop to prevent them from rushing across busy streets and intersections.
  • Remind kids to not accept rides or even speak to any strangers when walking home from school or the bus stop.
  • Update contact information for parents and any other caregivers with the school. Parents should also have the school’s contact info handy.
  • Monitor the news for incidents that may cause school closures. Schools are sometimes evacuated or dismissed early due to emergencies. Staying up-to-date on issues allows parents to plan ahead and make alternate arrangement for their children.

Whether you’re a parent, student, or simply a responsible community member, we’ve all got a part to play in making the school year safe and happy for everyone.

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