Halloween Pedestrian Safety Tips

Halloween is one of the most anticipated nights of the year for keiki. They’re excited to dress up in costumes and walk through neighborhoods searching for their next sweet treat. Consider these tips to ensure this Halloween is safe and scare-free on our roads:
1. Stay visible.
Like all ghosts and ghouls on Halloween, everyone comes out to trick-or-treat when night falls. Drivers have a harder time seeing their surroundings when it’s dimly lit. Be sure costumes are as visible as possible. Carry a flashlight or wear bright reflective material to give drivers can easily spot you and your children.
2. Walk safely.
Wherever you are headed on Halloween, be sure to stay on sidewalks as much as possible and follow the rules of the road. Cross at designated crosswalks and obey traffic signals.
3. Plan ahead.
Create a family game plan. Set boundaries for your kids on how far they are allowed to roam in their neighborhood for treat-or-treating. Parents with older children should make sure their children have a cell phone at all times in the event of an emergency.
4. Drive with caution.
The streets will be filled with excited children running around and popping out of nowhere. Drivers should be extremely attentive and cautious on Halloween, especially in neighborhood areas around the peak trick-or-treating time of 5:30-9:30 p.m. Please refrain from using your cell phone or any electronic devices while driving.
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