6 Traffic Violations that Could Affect your Car Insurance Premium

6 Traffic Violations that Could Affect your Car Insurance Premium

6 Traffic Violations that Could Affect your Car Insurance Premium

At some point in their lives, a driver may be issued a traffic ticket. For many, it’s a one-time lapse of good judgement and a reminder by law enforcement on the importance of safe and responsible driving.

But the more serious moving violations that puts a driver and others at risk (excessive speeding/racing, driving under the influence) can drastically increase your insurance premium. The riskiest and most unsafe traffic violations can substantially increase your auto insurance premium.

Because some of these traffic violations can put your life and those around you in extreme danger, they are not only costly financially. If the incidents involve injury, loss of life, or are repeated violations, they can lead to a temporary or permanent suspension of your driver’s license, or prison time. Your insurance company may also cancel your policy because of dangerous driving behavior.

Listed below are the top six traffic violations that have the biggest impact on your auto insurance premium*:

  1. Hit-and-runs
  2. Racing
  3. DUI
  4. Refusing a breathalyzer
  5. Driving with a suspended license
  6. Reckless driving

DTRIC asks you to “Drive Aloha” to keep you and others safe on our roadways!

* Data from Property Casualty 360.

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